Can you provide market analysis to ensure competitive pricing for the properties?

Yes, we conduct comprehensive market analyses using the latest data to ensure our properties are priced competitively and according to market conditions.

How experienced are your agents in dealing with expatriates or foreign investors?

Our team is highly experienced and trained in catering to the unique needs of expatriates and foreign investors, offering tailored advice and support throughout the buying process.

Do you offer after-sales support or property management services?

Yes, we offer after-sales support including property management, maintenance, and rental services to ensure a hassle-free ownership experience.

Can you help with the renovation or construction services for a newly purchased property?

While we primarily focus on brokerage services, we can connect you with reputable contractors and architects in our network for your renovation or construction needs.

How long does the property buying process typically take?

The timeline can vary significantly depending on various factors, but generally, the process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

Are there any preferred locations you would recommend for investment?

Investment preferences vary, but we generally recommend areas with strong growth potential in the North, like Baguio City, Pangasinan, and La Union, which offer a good mix of residential and commercial investment opportunities.

What guarantees do you offer to ensure a property’s legality and absence of undisclosed liabilities?

We conduct thorough due diligence for every property, including a check for any legal issues or liabilities, to ensure a transparent and secure transaction.

How can I list my property for sale or lease through your brokerage?

You can contact us through our website or office, and one of our agents will guide you through the listing process, including property valuation, marketing strategies, and documentation.